An alternative introduction, to the
$AUD10,000 Universe Challenge!
It is easy to be perplexed by the universal
appearances, those of ‘Big Bangs, Rocks from
Nothing, and Orchestras of Psyche’! How can
primal rocks, arising from Nothing, create
thousands of human languages, and sustain
the lives of billions of people? How do we
explain complex consciousness,
and ‘thinking rocks’?
Perhaps we will need to reconsider our initial
premise, that our universe arose from Nothing?
If our universe arose within a conscious Multi-Verse,
then surely this ‘Hidden Splendour’, would solve the
problems, surrounding the ascent of consciousness?
Perhaps consciousness then is more than a peculiar
‘hallucination’, perhaps our spinal columns are the
Holy Grails of our myths, when they are alight,
with the hidden Powers of Eternal Awareness?
Let us imagine then that we are punters at
a cosmic racetrack. Would we place our
bets upon the horse named, ‘Rocks from
Nothing’, or the horse named, ‘The Hidden
Splendour’? Welcome to the $AUD10,000
Universe Challenge, between the ancient
mystics, and the greatest minds, from
modern science!
The Challenge Introduction JPEG
The AUD10,000 Universe
Challenge! PDF
The Challenge Introduction
Extended version A4 PDF
‘The Frog Particle!’
Scientific Quests A4 PDF
A Short Challenge Introduction,
with Links PDF
Universe Challenge
Part 1 Video
Universe Challenge
Part 2 Video
Feel free to contact this website with your
thoughts, or to attempt the Challenge.
The best submissions will be displayed
to promote debate, and we will announce,
when the ‘winning’ cheque has been sent!
We also welcome donations
to help promote the
Universe Challenge!
The $AUD10,000 Universe Challenge!
Click above image to download an A5 PDF flyer,
‘The Rosetta Psyche’!
Four Cosmic Perceptions PDF
(This website is best viewed,
within the Chrome brower!)
‘Alice’, and the
Universe Challenge PDF
The Universe Challenge
Magazine Article PDF
A brief video introduction,
‘Matter, Consciousness,
and the Eternal’!
A detailed introductory video,
‘Alice and the Universe Challenge’!
There is a a sacred thread, running through 60,000+ years of the
Aboriginal Dreaming, India's Aum theory, Chinese Taoism,
Socrates 'Cave' model, and the insights of our sciences.
Modern science has discovered, matter is simply light quanta,
inscribed with Information, and our cosmos, arises as
‘hallucinations’, projected within theatres of space-time-gravity.
When we talk of our universe, we may as well be discussing,
the hookah-pipe smoke, blown by a character,
from ‘Alice in Wonderland’!
Further, science reveals, we are surrounded by octets, in the realms
of biology, such as the 64 codons of DNA, and the fractal forms
of life. In 'small-scale' matter, there are octets, within the atomic
structure, the periodic table of elements, and the eight-fold way
of sub-particle chromodynamics. The 'large scales' of matter,
also produce octets, such as our Fibonacci solar system, and the
galactic spirals. Astonishingly, in a cosmic serendipity, humanity also
creates octet music, and dances, within octet patterns.
This eight-fold nature, can be expanded, into the structures of the
human psyche, and onward, into the three dimensions
of Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and our physical universe. If these
three dimensions, are descending octets of consciousness, a major
premise within Aum theory, then our physical realms, form only,
2.040816...% of our total universe. Science's current estimate, for
our physical cosmos, suggests a figure of 'less than 5%'.
There is also magic in our world, for the area of a circle, and the
volume of a sphere, can never be precisely measured, except in
units of transcendental, mathematical Pi.
The ancient Egyptians, and Greeks, proposed a universe of light,
appearing upon a lattice of circles, known as the 'Flower of Life',
and the transcendent nature of Pi, allows us, when we are in
high states of awareness, to see through matter, into the
Eternal Light, shining brighter, than a trillion earthly suns.
Perhaps, these historical Egyptians, were 'quantum observers',
exploring 'quantum gravity', and the Australian Aborigines,
were also encountering, the same 'mirages of light',
within their 60,000+ years of the 'Dreaming'!
This vast human journey of awakening, allows us to propose a
fundamental question, 'Is our universe, a structure of matter,
or consciousness'? Welcome, to the
'$AUD10,000 Universe Challenge'!
Click above image to download
‘Octets, the Shadows of God’ A4 PDF
Click above image to download
‘Solving the Big Questions’ A4 PDF
Click above image to download an A5 PDF flyer,
‘Here Be Dragons’!
A two-minute video introduction,
‘Our Octet Universe’!
Our scientists seek the ‘bedrock’ for our universe,
a mysterious ‘matter’, beyond the ‘Planck scales’.
The mystics also pursue, their ‘I-ness’, the ‘Is-ness’,
the ‘Suchness’, manifesting as ‘Diamond Mind’,
the Eternal Awareness.
Science and Mysticism, matter and consciousness,
two Footfalls, One Path!
Click above image to download an A5 PDF flyer,
‘These Truths, Echoing for 5000 years’!
Click above image to download an A4 PDF flyer,
‘These Truths, Echoing for 5000 years’, plus ‘The Challenge’!
Click above image to download an A5 PDF flyer,
‘The Lounge Lizard’s Guide to the Universe’!
Click above image to download an A4 PDF flyer,
‘The Universe Challenge 2024 Introduction’!
The $AUD10,000 Universe Challenge Pledge!
(These are additional funds, added to the Prize Pool,
by individuals, businesses, and interested parties.
This Site Feature, is coming soon!)
Current Pledge Total - $...
Click above image to download
an A4 PDF flyer, ‘’The Pledge’!